Polcirkeln tuotekuva
Suurenna kuva

Ehdotettu tuote

Marklund Liza


6,00 €

Käytetty - hyvä (K3+)

Nidottu (pehmeäkantinen)

2022 / 1. painos

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Mel Bay Publications






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s:1039:"This book is intended for the flute player who already knows a good deal about how to read music but would like to explore a new route of expression through the nature ofimprovisation in jazz music. Through this book you will be exposed to the pioneers of jazz flute and how they approach jazz improvisation. This book will also teach you to improvise through the many genre of jazz. This guide will take you step by step through everything from the blues to the traditional styles of improvisation. You will improve dramatically on your technique and your tone will be enhanced as well. Through scales, patterns and otherjazz improvisation techniques you will gain control of your playing. I took all the tools that you would find scattered in many texts and combined the techniques, theory, and history and put them into one big book for your convenience. I had the chance to talk first hand with some of the greatest masters of the jazz flute. I hope that when you read the interviews with these artists it will inspire you as it did me";

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