Ehdotettu tuote
Alava Tarmo
Oikein hyvää päivää : keskusteluaineisto vammaisuudesta
5,50 €
Käytetty - erinomainen (K4)
Sidottu, kuvakannet (kovakantinen)
1997 / 1. painos
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s:1206:"This book tells the life stories of nine physically handicapped young adults in Finland. Each of these young adults received the English Kerland/Brainwave home-based treatment when they were young. The rehabilitation was given three hours a day by the parents of the children and volunteers who came to assist in the process. These were the first children in Finland who participated in the home-based treatment program in the early 1990's. The health care professionals had given them little hope for the future due to complications in birth. But their brave parents wanted to do more for their children than the traditional Finnish rehabilitation had to offer. These children developed remarkably well and some of them showed signs of improvement already from the start of the home-based treatment program. Many of them learned to walk during the years. All this encouraged the parents to continue to do their utmost for their children. These life stories give hope to all families of physically handicapped children who have the opportunity to rehabilitate their child at home. This book is about perseverance, willpower and hope, and how parents can actively take part in rehabilitating their children.";
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