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Bell Niina
Pienten omat herkut : allergiaperheen keittokirja arkeen ja juhlaan
4,00 €
Käytetty - tyydyttävä (K2+)
Sidottu, kuvakannet (kovakantinen)
2007 / 1. painos
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Ei tiedossa
Alkuperäinen nimi
Cross/cultures, osa 137
s:1792:"Since its publication in 1958, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart has won global critical and popular acclaim. Offering a hitherto unlimned picture of a traditional culture, it is both a moving story of the coming of colonialism and a powerful and complex political statement on the nature of cross-cultural encounter. The novel has been immensely influential work as the progenitor of a whole movement in fiction, drama, and poetry focusing on the re-evaluation of traditional cultures and postcolonial tensions. It enjoys a pre-eminent position as a foundational text of postcolonial studies. This collection, originating in a conference held in London to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the novel's first publication, opens with a fascinating, insightful, and wide-ranging interview with Achebe. The essays that following explore contemporary critical responses and the novel's historical and cultural contexts. Achebe's influence on the latest generation of Nigerian writers is discussed in essays devoted to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Another essay examines the radical feminist response to the novel in the work of the francophone Algerian writer Assia Djebar, another the illustrations accompanying early editions. Teaching strategies and reader responses to the novel cover Texas, Scotland, and Australia. One measure of the phenomenal worldwide success of Things Fall Apart is the fact that it has been rendered into some forty-five languages; accordingly, further contributions offer sharp analyses of the German and Polish translations of the novel. Contributors: Mick Jardine, Dorota Goluch, Waltraud Kolb, Bernth Lindfors, Russell McDougall, Malika Rebai Maamri, Michel Naumann, Chika Okeke-Agulu, Christopher E.W. Ouma, Rashna Batliwala Singh, Andrew Smith, David Whittaker.";
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