The handbook of European intellectual property management

developing, managing and protecting your company's intellectual property

Adam Jolly

The handbook of European intellectual property man... tuotekuva
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The handbook of European intellectual property man...

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Jeremy Philpott

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s:926:"The Handbook of European Intellectual Property Management shows companies how to put IP at the heart of their strategy and create value from their patents, trade marks, designs, copyrights and knowledge bases. It also offers practical advice to business support organizations seeking to promote their services to executives and entrepreneurs who may be concerned about IP issues and are unsure of where to turn for guidance.Drawing on a wide range of expertise, the Handbook is a practical and easy-to-follow guide. It reveals how IP contributes to improved competitive performance and to greater value on the balance sheet, and also offers a template of 'best practice' in IP management.It explains clearly the multitude of legal rights and processes involved and takes managers through the cycle of IP: how to create IP; how to secure and protect it; how to use yours or someone else's; and how to manage IP most profitably.";


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