The globalization of world politics

an introduction to international relations

John Baylis

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The globalization of world politics : an introduct...

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Oxford University Press






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Steve Smith

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s:1330:"Now in its fourth edition, this internationally successful text has been fully revised and updated in light of recent developments in world politics, with new chapters on the changing nature of war, human security, and international ethics. A comprehensive introduction to international relations, it is ideally suited to students coming to the subject for the first time. It provides a coherent, accessible, and lively account of the globalization of world politics. FEATURES * Contains work from an impressive line-up of international contributors who are experts in their fields; the chapters have been carefully edited in order to ensure an integrated and coherent style throughout the book * Covers history, theory, structures and processes, and international issues * Offers a visually stunning 4-color interior * Enhanced by a comprehensive Companion Website ( that includes a test bank, PowerPoint slides, case studies, multiple-choice questions, links to journal articles, a flashcard glossary, and--new to this edition--video clips, video pod-casts of contributors, and a news feed NEW TO THIS EDITION * Three new chapters on the changing nature of war, human security, and international ethics * Each chapter includes a 400-word case study * More examples from the developing world";


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