The didactics of audiovisual translation tuotekuva
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The didactics of audiovisual translation

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John Benjamins Publishing Company






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s:961:"While complementing other volumes in the BTL series in its exploration of the state of the art of translator training, this collection of essays is solely focused on audiovisual translation, one of the most complex and dynamic areas of the translation discipline. The book offers an easily accessible yet comprehensive introduction to the fascinating subject of translating films, video games and other audiovisual material. Offering a balance between theory and practice, the main aim of this volume is to provide a wealth of teaching and learning ideas in areas such as subtitling, dubbing, and voice-over without forgetting the newer fields of subtitling for the deaf and audio description for the blind. The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation comes with an accompanying CD-Rom, highlighting its fundamentally interactive approach, and the activities proposed can be adapted to different learning environments and used with different language combinations.";

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