The Cambridge companion to Scottish literature
Gerard Carruthers
Kirjasarja: The Cambridge Companions to Literature

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Bergbom Kaarlo
Kaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset I-II
13,00 €
Toimitus Suomeen 6,90 €
Yhteensä 19,90 €
Käytetty - hyvä (K3)
1907-1908 / 1
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Cambridge University Press
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Alkuperäinen nimi
The Cambridge Companions to Literature
s:921:"Scotland's rich literary tradition is a product of its unique culture and landscape, as well as of its long history of inclusion and resistance to the United Kingdom. Scottish literature includes masterpieces in three languages - English, Scots and Gaelic - and global perspectives from the diaspora of Scots all over the world. This Companion offers a unique introduction, guide and reference work for students and readers of Scottish literature from the pre-medieval period to the post-devolution present. Essays focus on key periods and movements (the Scottish Enlightenment, Scottish Romanticism, the Scottish Renaissance), genres (the historical novel, Scottish Gothic, 'Tartan Noir') and major authors (Burns, Scott, Stevenson, MacDiarmid and Spark). A chronology and guides to further reading in each chapter make this an ideal overview of a national literature that continues to develop its own distinctive style.";
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