The Ashgate research companion to heritage and identity

B. J. Graham

Kirjasarja: Ashgate research companions

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Ringbom, Sixten

Akademiska gårdar : arkitektur och miljöer kring Åbo akademi

10,00 €

Käytetty - erinomainen (K4)

Sidottu, kansipaperi

1985 / 1.

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s:863:"Heritage represents the meanings and representations conveyed in the present day upon artefacts, landscapes, mythologies, memories and traditions from the past. It is a key element in the shaping of identities, particularly in the context of increasingly multicultural societies. This Research Companion brings together an international team of authors to discuss the concepts, ideas and practices that inform the entwining of heritage and identity. They have assembled a wide geographical range of examples and interpret them through a number of disciplinary lenses that include geography, history, museum and heritage studies, archaeology, art history, history, anthropology and media studies. This outstanding companion offers scholars and graduate students a thoroughly up-to-date guide to current thinking and a comprehensive reference to this growing field.";

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