Snow design from Lapland
initiating cooperation
Elina Härkönen
Kirjasarja: Lapin yliopiston taiteiden tiedekunnan julkaisuja

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Snow design from Lapland : initiating cooperation
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University of Lapland
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The project is aimed at combining design competence, Lapland's winter arts and events, and snow and ice construction technologies in order to develop an export product in cooperation with educational organisations and businesses. The objective is to develop an internationally competitive service innovation product to leverage Lapland's versatile expertise of snow-related technologies and applications in different events and offerings of the tourism industry. Businesses work together with educational organisations on the design and implementation of different types of snow and ice environments and the development of marketing concepts throughout the project. The working methods and latest technical data of user-oriented design, service design, environmental & community art and the adventure activity industry are exploited and leveraged in project activities. The project is based on collecting, combining, disseminating and applying multidisciplinary knowledge. Businesses can increase their know-how in the development of demanding snow and ice technology applications by using their combined resources and versatile expertise areas. Lapland Snow Design provides opportunities for groundbreaking product development and creates inroads to new international markets. The project is co-funded by the Regional Council of Lapland / The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), University of Lapland, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, Rovaniemi Regional Development Agency, Valosa Oy, Arctice Oy, Snowflake Oy / Arctic Snow Hotel Oy and SnowKemi / IP-Heikkilä Oy.
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