Security supervision and management

the theory and practice of asset protection

Sandi J. Davies

Metsä, talous, yhteiskunta - Katsauksia metsäekonomiseen tutkimukseen tuotekuva
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Sevola Yrjö (toim.)

Metsä, talous, yhteiskunta - Katsauksia metsäekonomiseen tutkimukseen

25,00 €

Toimitus Suomeen 6,90 €

Yhteensä 31,90 €

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s:1365:"The International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO) has for many years provided materials to support its certification programs. The current edition of this book is being used as the core text for the Security Supervision and Management Training/Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) Program at IFPO. The CSSM is unique and was designed in 1988 to meet the needs of the security supervisor or senior protection officer. The book has enjoyed tremendous acceptance and success in the past, but after seven years, it has become dated. The changes, vetted by IFPO, make the third edition more current and relevant. Updates include 14 new chapters, 3 completely revised chapters, "Student Performance Objectives" added to each chapter, and added information on related resources (both print and online). * Completion of the Security Supervision and Management Program is the initial step toward the Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) designation * Over 40 experienced security professionals contribute chapters in their area of specialty * Revised throughout, and completely updated with 14 new chapters on topics such as Leadership, Homeland Security, Strategic Planning and Management, Budget Planning, Career Planning, and much more. * Quizzes at the end of each chapter allow for self testing or enhanced classroom work";


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