Secure Data Management

7th VLDB Workshop, SDM 2010, Singapore, September 17, 2010. Proceedings

Willem Jonker

Kirjasarja: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, osa 6358

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Kallioniemi Jouni

Kotirintama 1939-1945

8,00 €

Toimitus Suomeen 6,90 €

Yhteensä 14,90 €

Käytetty - erinomainen (K4)

Sidottu, ei kansipaperia

1998 / 1.

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Springer Berlin Heidelberg






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s:1654:"The VLDB Secure Data Management Workshop was held for the 7th time this year. The topic of data security remains an important area of research especially due to the growing proliferation of data in open environments as a result of emerging data services such as cloud computing, location based services, and health-related services. Con?dentiality is the main driving force behind the - search that covers topics such as privacy enhancing technologies, access control, and search in encrypted data. We received 20 submissions from which the program committee selected 10 papers to be presented at the workshop and included in the proceedings (50% acceptancerate). In addition, we areproud that Elisa Bertino accepted our in- tation to give a keynote for which she selected the topic of data trustworthiness. We hope the papers collected in this volume will stimulate your research in this area. The regular papers in the proceeding have been grouped into two sections. The?rstsectionfocusesonprivacy.Thepapersinthissectionpresentabalanced mix of theoretical work on anonymity and application-oriented work. Thesecondsectionfocusesondatasecurityinopenenvironments.Thepapers address issues related to the management of con?dential data that is stored in or released to open environments, such as, for example, in cloud computing. We wish to thank all the authors of submitted papers for their high-quality submissions. We would also like to thank the program committee members as well as additional referees for doing an excellent review job. Finally, let us - knowledge the work of Luan Ibraimi, who helped in the technical preparation of the proceedings.";

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