Rhett Butler's people
Donald McCaig

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Rhett Butler's people
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National Textbook Company
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s:1074:"This astonishing novel that parallels the great American classic novel, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, has been twelve years in the making. Now, the most beloved and most widely-read saga of the American Civil War is retold from the point of view of its unrivalled hero, the dashing and enigmatic scion of the South, Rhett Butler. See what Rhett is really thinking as he sits in the armchair listening to Scarlett declare her love for Ashley. Find out what happened on the other side of the cupboard, where Melanie was hiding. Discover the truth of Rhett's relationship with Belle Watling . . . Brought to vivid and authentic life by the hand of a master, Rhett Butler's People fulfills the dreams of countless millions whose imaginations have been indelibly marked by Gone With the Wind. 'Rhett Butler's People covers the period from 1843 to 1874, nearly two decades more than are chronicled in Gone with the Wind . Readers will get inside Rhett's head as he meets and courts Scarlett O'Hara in one of the most famous love affairs of all time.' The New York Times";
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