Practical skills in chemistry
John Dean

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Practical skills in chemistry
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Pearson Education Ltd.
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s:1507:"If you are studying chemistry, or a chemistry-related course, then this book will be an indispensable companion throughout your entire degree programme. This `one-stop' text will guide you through the wide range of practical, analytical and data-handling skills that you will need during your studies. It will also give you a solid grounding in wider transferable skills such as teamwork, using information technology, communicating information and study skills. This book gives invaluable help with these areas, from reporting practical and project work to using spreadsheets and organising poster displays. This second edition of Practical Skills in Chemistry builds upon the excellent foundation of its predecessor and provides an easy-to-read guide to help you develop the skills you need to succeed. If retains the key features of the first edition, with a layout that explains the essential elements of practical techniques and procedures in a step-by-step manner to help you understand their application in the context of chemistry This text's unique and comprehensive coverage includes: general advice on practical work; classical and instrumental techniques; analysis and presentation of data; information technology; library resources; communicating information; and study skills. Practical Skills in Chemistry is an indispensable book for undergraduate students in chemical sciences and a useful primer for post-graduate students. It is also a valuable resource for teachers in secondary schools.";
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