Musculoskeletal examination of the shoulder

making the complex simple

Steven B. M.D Cohen

Kirjasarja: Musculoskeletal examination : making the complex simple series

Musculoskeletal examination of the shoulder : maki... tuotekuva
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Musculoskeletal examination of the shoulder : maki...

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s:1451:"The physical examination of the shoulder can be a complex topic for professionals with all levels of clinical experience. How can advance concepts be taught in a user-friendly, clear format, while still providing necessary information for effective diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder? Musculoskeletal Examination of the Shoulder: Making the Complex Simple by Dr. Steven B. Cohen answers these questions. Written by experts, this easy-to-carry book provides a thorough review of the most common pathologic shoulder conditions, techniques for diagnosis, as well as the appropriate treatment for each condition. Musculoskeletal Examination of the Shoulder: Making the Complex Simple contains clear photographic demonstrations, tables, and charts throughout its pages, allowing a thorough and concise examination of the shoulder. A glance at some of what is covered inside: * Physical Examination o Basics and specific tests of the physical examination of the shoulder * General Imaging o Basics of general imaging of the shoulder * Common Conditions o Superior labrar tears, Biceps tendon, Glenohumeral arthritis, and more Musculoskeletal Examination of the Shoulder: Making the Complex Simple contains essential information to successfully take a complex subject and bring it to a level that will be welcomed by orthopedic residents, attendings, physical therapists, athletic trainers, medical students in training, and other health care providers.";

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