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Learning to learn : international perspectives fro...
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s:2285:"Learning to Learn provides a much needed overview and international guide to the field of Learning to Learn (L2L) from a multidisciplinary lifelong and life-wide perspective. A wealth of research has been flourishing on this key educational goal in recent years. Internationally, L2L is considered one of the eight key competencies needed to compete in the global economy, but also a crucial factor for individual and social well-being. This book draws on leading international contributors to provide a cutting edge overview of current thinking on research, policy, and implementation in both formal and informal learning environments. But what learning to learn is exactly and what its constituting elements are, is a much debated issue. This seems the crucial question if assessment and development of this "malleable side of intelligence" are to be accomplished. The approach of this volume is to consider a broad conception of learning to learn, not confined only to study strategies or metacognition, while acknowledging the importance of such elements. It sets out to answer five main questions:- What is learning to learn? What are its functions? What does it promise to the individual and society at large? How is it conceived in national curricula internationally? How can it be developed in a variety of contexts? The text is organised into three parts: the first addresses the core question on the nature of learning to learn from a theoretical and policy viewpoint; the second presents recent research carried out in several educational systems, with a special attention to L2L assessment and curriculum; and the third part gives an account of concrete practices to implement a learning to learn approach to schooling, school improvement and individual empowerment from childhood to adulthood. The importance is underlined of linking theory to practice through assessment and research to promote L2L. Contributors also highlight the potential uses of L2L as an organizing concept for Lifelong Learning, school improvement and teacher training along with potential conflicts with existing incentive practices and policies. This book is a vital starting point and guide for any advanced student or researcher looking to understand this enormously important area of research.";