Language technological models as epistemic artefacts: The case of constraint grammar parser
Tarja Knuuttila

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Language technological models as epistemic artefac...
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s:729:"Written by world-leading experts, this book draws together a number of important strands in contemporary approaches to the philosophical and scientific questions that emerge when dealing with the issues of computing, information, cognition and the conceptual issues that arise at their intersections. It discovers and develops the connections at the borders and in the interstices of disciplines and debates. This volume presents a range of essays that deal with the currently vigorous concerns of the philosophy of information, ontology creation and control, bioinformation and biosemiotics, computational and post-computation approaches to the philosophy of cognitive science, computational linguistics, ethics, and education."";
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Kirja-arvostelut teoksesta Language technological models as epistemic artefacts: The case of constraint grammar parser
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