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Suutari, Minna (toim.)
Vallattomat marginaalit. Yhteisöllisyyksiä nuoruudessa ja yhteiskunnan...
12,00 €
Toimitus Suomeen 6,00 €
Yhteensä 18,00 €
Käytetty - hyvä (K3)
2001 / 1
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Oxford University Press
Ei tiedossa
Alkuperäinen nimi
s:1005:"Indian Arrivals 1870-1915: Networks of British Empire examines how at the height of empire Britain was threaded through with Indian influences and ideas, in spite of colonial divisions. Throughout, the study is motivated by the notion that Indian travellers learned from the friendships they made in the west but also that they contributed to the development of a late Victorian cosmopolitanism of which they were an intrinsic part. Tracing the intricateencounters that took place between 'arriving' Indians and their British hosts, often through the medium of literature and journalism, the book paints a more textured picture than has been available to date ofcross-cultural contact between Indians and Britons and in so doing explores the myriad ways in which the centre of the nineteenth-century imperial world was criss-crossed by its margins, just as the margins were by the centre. Indian Arrivals offers a sustained reflection on what it is to arrive in another culture, in all senses of the word.";
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