Educating educators with social media
Charles Wankel
Kirjasarja: Cutting-edge technolgies in higher education, osa 1

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Educating educators with social media
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Emerald Group Publishing
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s:1343:"Social media are increasingly popular platforms for collaboration and quick information sharing. This volume is a collection of reports on how these technologies are being used to educate educators with social media in creative and effective ways. The use of wikis, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, Flickr, Delicious, YouTube, Yahoo Pipes, Diigo, Second Life, Moodle, and other Web 2.0 technologies are shown in vivid examples and insightful critiques. The use of social media in developing countries for new pproaches to teaching as support for individual and peer-based learning for such endeavours as collaborative screen play writing projects and social annotation are covered. How instructors are increasing the technical expertise that is needed by educators to develop their own 21st century curricula projects is shown in outstanding ways. How instructors take recreational technologies and transform them into pedagogic conduits is examined. Social networking technologies enable the integration of students and alumni in co-curricular activities in exciting and still evolving ways. New teaching orientations premised on social media such as focused distraction are considered. Exercises involving the collaboration of teacher education majors in social bookmarking through co-standardized approaches are provided.";
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