Easiest rock guitar for children

Larry sov. McCabe

Kirjasarja: Mel Bay presents

Turning Boxes with Richard Raffan tuotekuva
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Ehdotettu tuote

Raffan Richard

Turning Boxes with Richard Raffan

8,00 €

Toimitus Suomeen 6,60 €

Yhteensä 14,60 €

Käytetty - erinomainen (K4)

Nidottu, kansikuva

2002 / 1

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Mel Bay Publications






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s:727:"This book is for all beginning and early intermediate rock guitarists. No prior playing experience or note reading ability is required. The solos are written in both standard notation and tablature. While writing the arrangements, the author considered the small hands of children. Many of the songs are played in the first position and there are no fingerings that would present inordinate technical difficulties to the average beginner. Only a few simplechords are used in the arrangements which consist mainly of single-string backup lines, basic riffs and solos. Every song in the book is included on the companion CD. Every tune is recorded at a moderate speed and includes count-off notes and bass and drum accompaniment.";

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