Complete book of Bach chorales

Johann Sebastian Bach

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Complete book of Bach chorales

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Mel Bay Publications






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Jerry Silverman

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s:1118:"This book presents 375 of J.S. Bach's surviving chorale harmonizations with singable English translations of the original German text by choral conductor Henry S. Drinker. Printed in an easy-to-read format, this edition was designed to facilitate both analysis of Bach's musical genius in voice leading and renewed performance of these works by congregations. It is hoped that this user-friendly edition will inspire students and congregations alike to take a fresh look at this priceless musical treasure. Today they remain some of the finest examples of voice leading and harmonic movement, making them appropriate study material for any student of music theory and harmony. Chorales are also the root of traditional hymnody, especially from the Lutheran tradition. The chorales were originally text and melody sung a cappella, and were for congregational singing. Chorales were set in four parts for choir use, and are still appropriate for performance in worship services today. Many of the melodies will be familiar to those who sing traditional hymns. Choirs will love singing these beautifully written settings.";


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