Compendium of Celtic crafts

Judy Balchin

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Compendium of Celtic crafts

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s:1156:"Drawing on the timeless appeal of Celtic art and design, this complete reference shows how Celtic themes can be applied to a range of contemporary crafts. Beginning with Celtic illumination, the guide carefully leads crafters through the intricacies of Celtic design, with thoughtful instruction for constructing and decorating a selection of knotwork, spiral, key, and zoomorphic patterns. After covering the basic principles of Celtic lettering and decoration, this book shifts toward the subject of traditional designs and ancient jewelry, further exploring Celtic knotwork, glass painting, and paper crafts. In each section, the materials and equipment crafters need are carefully explained, and each project is accompanied by clear, step-by-step instructions, providing close guidance through a broad range of projects. Providing not only a strong grounding in Celtic art and design, this tutorial also abounds with beautiful things to make?from necklaces, bracelets and earrings to picture frames, decorated goblets, and greetings cards. This is a fantastic, yet practical resource that will appeal to all crafters inspired by the world of the Celts.";


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