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Kjell Westö
Missä kuljimme kerran : romaani eräästä kaupungista ja tahdostamme tul...
6,00 €
Toimitus Suomeen 6,50 €
Yhteensä 12,50 €
Käytetty - hyvä (K3)
Sidottu, kansipaperi
2006 / 4.
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Mel Bay Publications
Ei tiedossa
Alkuperäinen nimi
s:1329:"Learn great flatpicking solos on 30 wonderful Christmas and Holiday tunes! Aimed at beginning and intermediate guitarists, this collection of traditional Holiday favorites will be a great addition to any guitarist's repertoire. Most solos use the basic bluegrass/folk bass note/strum technique with melodies integrated into known chord patterns. Others feature the arpeggio strum, a beautiful chord melody technique. Explore transposing solos from one key to another, changing and mixing meter (3/4 to 4/4), soloing in more than one octave, playing a solo with others as a round, and more! Sing and play all your favorite carols and Christmas songs in the flatpicking/bluegrass style. Included audio CD has all solos played at slow and regular speeds. Standard notation and tablature. Learn great flatpicking solos on 30 wonderful Christmas and Holiday tunes! For beginning and intermediate guitarists Use the basic bass note/strum technique Melodies integrated into known chord patterns Learn the arpeggio strum, a beautiful chord melody technique Practice transposing solos from one key to another Practice changing and mixing meter (3/4 to 4/4) Learn soloing in more than one octave Playing a solo with others as a round Sing and play all your favorite carols and Christmas songs A great addition to any guitarist's repertoire";
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