Celebrating birch

the lore, art and craft of an ancient tree

Gretchen Bacon

Celebrating birch : the lore, art and craft of an... tuotekuva
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Celebrating birch : the lore, art and craft of an...

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Fox Chapel Publishing






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s:644:"With its graceful silhouette and distinctive white bark, the birch tree has been important to people wherever it has grown. This book covers all aspects of the North's most versatile tree—from its biology and ecology to its different uses, craft applications, and legends. Some of the lore revealed includes birch's role as a Welsh token of love and its mysterious connection with witches' brooms. In addition to learning about how the wood is used in baskets, shoes, and wood coverings, readers can also make more than 15 craft projects from instructions in the book, including folded bark baskets, carved ornaments, and turned wooden bowls.";


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