My green city

back to nature with attitude and style

Robert Klanten

undefined tuotekuva
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My City : Canakkale / Istanbul / Konya / Mardin / Trabzon / Berlin / D...

47,00 €

Käytetty - erinomainen (K4)

Sidottu kansipaperein (kovakantinen)

2011 / 1. painos

Näytetään 1 vaihtoehto

Tyhjennä suodattimet katsoaksesi muita vaihtoehtoja

Tyhjennä suodattimet
  • Tuotekuva My green city : back to nature with attitude and s...

    VIII : International Trade Conference of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries : Warsaw, September 3.-8, 1979

    Nidottu (pehmeäkantinen)

    1980 / 1. painos

    Finlandia Kirja

    Tuotekuva My green city : back to nature with attitude and s...
    1 kpl

    Hyvä (K3)

    3,00 €










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s:949:"My Green City is an inspirational compilation that celebrates the projects and ideas of designers, activists, and architects, who are bringing nature back into our cities. The book presents stimulating work from around the world : from urban farming initiatives, guerilla gardening, and architectural visions, to furniture, products, and other everyday objects that use plants in a functional or aesthetic way. Some of the included projects are changing the land-scapes of our cities as a whole, while others can make our own streets and homes greener-most importantly, all are trying to get people to think differently. My Green City is an entertaining and socially relevant compilation for everyone who has an interest in a more responsible and environmentally friendly lifestyle. The book's visual examples and insightful descriptions make it clear that we can design our urban future in a way that's green, innovative, vibrant, and constructive.";


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